Academic work
While completing my degrees (BSc, Dip Mgmt, MRes, MBA) and spending over a decade living in the Scottish university town St Andrews - during which I was always closely linked to the world-renown University of St Andrews through research, teaching and other project works I have developed a strong track-record of academic work in the filed of leadership, business strategy and organisational behaviour, and enterprise. Additionally, I have been intived to give guest talks and lectures at several institutions and companies around the globe, including talks at Tufts University [US], Goethe Universität, Hochschule Fresenius [DE], GSK, University of Surrey, University of Abertay, University of St Andrews [UK], and McGill [CA]).
Several of my research projects were made possible through grants, funding and scholarships that I received from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Scottish Government, Santander and the Russell Trust.
Some of the publications that have resulted from the research include:
- Funding issues confronting high growth SMEs in the UK
Brown, R. C. & Lee, N. 24 Jun 2014 Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
- Reluctant borrowers? Examining the demand and supply of finance for high growth SMEs in the UK
Brown, R. C. & Lee, N. 19 Jul 2017 Edinburgh: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
I am always interested to hear about new project ideas and constantly on the look out for interesting future collaborations and projects. Please feel free to use the contact form below to get in touch if you have any suggestions, questions, or are interested in future collaborations.